Installing Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1 on Raspberry Pi

To set up the Qt compilation environment on Raspberry Pi, using Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1.

1. Installation of Qt 4.8.0.

1. Search for Qt download on Baidu. Find the link:, go in and download the .tar.gz packages for Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1.

2. Use SSH to copy the files to Raspberry Pi. tar -vxf filename to extract.

3. Install Qt 4.8.0. The current system is the latest official Raspberry Pi system as of September 2017.

(1) First, install the necessary libraries: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxtst-dev

Then execute ./configure successfully.

(2) Execute the make command.


Makefile:106515: recipe for target ‘.obj/release-sharedd/qdialogbuttonbox.o’ failed recipe from target error,sub-gui-make_default-ordered

libx11* installed, still the same error.

Installed qt5-default, executed make clean and make all.

Makefile:106515: recipe for target ‘.obj/release-sharedd/qdialogbuttonbox.o’ failed. The error is the same.

Rewritten the memory card system to Ubuntu Mate for Raspberry Pi.

4. Attempt to install under the Ubuntu-provided Raspberry Pi system. The Raspberry Pi official website has the mate version.

./configure succeeded. The necessary libraries mentioned above need to be installed first.

make succeeded. It took a long time.

sudo make install succeeded.

Installation successful. The default installation is at /usr/local/Trolltech.

// The default installation of Qt 4 on Ubuntu, it is guessed that the make error is due to missing some library files.

Install the Qt Creator 2.4.1 source package, extract qmake

Prompt: could not exec ‘/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt4/bin/qmake’: no such file or directory.

Execute PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt4.8.0/bin (this directory is the bin folder of the just installed Qt 4.8.0), qmake executed successfully.

Open a new terminal and execute make to encounter two compilation errors. Execute make clean, then sudo make install and wait.

Come back from lunch. Installation successful.

Command line: qtcreator started successfully.

Installing Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1 on Raspberry Pi

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