After moving to a new studio, I found that there is a lot of noise around Wangjing Soho. Delivery riders are honking their horns anxiously, the sounds of metal cutting from the renovations at the shopping mall across the street are continuous, and the busy traffic, with pedestrians and cars crossing paths, often produces honking sounds.
So I looked up information about noise pollution and discovered that noise can be very harmful to animals (it interferes with their communication, especially their orientation and courtship). Some websites even say that noise pollution can affect human hearing, lifespan, and is linked to cardiovascular diseases… I think some of this might be alarming, but I couldn’t find any supporting or opposing evidence right away.
Regardless, sometimes it’s nice to be able to rest in a quiet environment.
This is the origin of this small research project. I was wondering if it’s possible to find a relatively quiet place in such a busy area like Wangjing Soho, where many companies are gathered.

Sparkfun SEN-12642 Sound Sensor

LCM12864 Shield

After connecting the sensor (envelope to v0)
In Arduino IDE –> File –> Examples –> Basics –> AnalogReadSerial
You can directly see the readings in the “Serial Monitor”; the higher the reading, the louder the sound.

Now that everything’s ready…

What can we do about this…

Meta Lab is an interactive experience design consulting studio, whose main business includes interactive development project contracting and interactive study abroad consulting. Meta means “meta”; we expect that the collision of “diversity” can promote the integration of interaction and new technology industries. The core members of the team come from overseas backgrounds in interaction/computer/engineering; we are committed to providing insightful solutions based on multidimensional information through the integration of art and technology, interaction and AI.