This article mainly shares some tips for using the Android development tool AS.
1. Color Schemes
1. Editor

OneDark theme
Custom DIY color scheme, (the code is an example of color settings)
2. Console
Preferences->Editor->Colors& Fonts->Android Logcat (set different colors based on log levels)
2. Shortcuts
Common Shortcuts
1. Shrink Selection: A selection shortcut, clicking multiple times will expand the selection range, AS’s iconic shortcut
Windows/Linux:Ctrl+W / Ctrl+Shift+W
2. Delete Line: Deletes a line, similar to eclipse’s Ctrl+D, here it is Y
3. Find Actions: All actions can be found through this function, if you forget a shortcut for a function, you can directly use this function, just enter the function’s name to use, AS’s iconic shortcut.
4. Move Lines Up/Down: Move the line where the cursor is located up or down, if multiple lines are selected, they can also be moved together.
5. Duplicate Lines: Copy the current line to the next line
6. Surround with: Wrap content, very convenient when adding try catch blocks
7. Complete Statement: Statement completion, can automatically complete brackets, parentheses, semicolons, etc., and will format the automatically completed line, AS’s commonly used iconic shortcut.
8. Last Edit Location: Return to the last edited location
9. Difference Between Enter and Tab During Code Suggestions

10. Opening Class/File/Symbol: Shortcut for searching, used to search for class, file, method
1. Open class file
2. Open any file
3. Search by method name
11. Show Usage: Find calls, similar to eclipse Ctrl+Alt+G
12. Goto Declaration: Jump to the property or method declaration, add Alt to jump to the method implementation
13. Navigate Back/Forward: Jump to the last cursor position
For more shortcuts, refer to the Default KeyMap Reference in Find Action
Custom Shortcuts
Show in Explorer: Open in system folder
Sync Project with Gradle Files: Sync is required when modifying build scripts, can also be used when recompiling aidl files
Delete to Line End: Delete from cursor to the end of the line
Delete to Line Start: Delete from cursor to the beginning of the line
Analyze Data Flow to Here & Analyze Data Flow from Here: Used to analyze code, those who use it know
Multi-line Editing: A very cool function, Alt + left mouse button selection, better than Sublime’s multi-line editing, but rarely used in actual coding
3. Templates
Improve efficiency, essential skills for home and travel.
1. Live Template
Examples of standard templates
ViewConstructors: One-click generation of constructors when customizing View
starter: One-click generation of startActivity call
For more standard templates, see Preferences->Editor->Live Templates

2. Custom Templates
Standardizing template usage, unifying logging and singleton writing
Singleton template
Log template
3. Postfix Completion
Common examples
For more usage, see Preferences->Editor->General->Postfix Completion

4. Plugins
1. IdeaVim
Vim plugin, can change AS’s editing mode to vim’s editing mode, but the custom functions are not as powerful as normal vim, if you don’t want to leave the mouse, this plugin is a good choice, refer to vim for usage
2. AceJump
This is a plugin for quickly positioning the cursor, with functionality similar to vim’s easyJump plugin. This plugin allows you to get rid of the mouse, the cursor can jump wherever you want.
3. ParcelableGenerator
Used to quickly generate parcelable objects
4. CodeGlance
Displays a thumbnail of the editor in the sidebar, similar to Sublime’s effect, if you are fond of Sublime’s style, you can give it a try
5. Eclipse Code Formatter
Helps AS support Eclipse-style code style configurations, unifying code style Android source code includes a set of code style standard configurations
5. FindBugs-IDEA
A static code defect analysis tool, can be installed with one click in AS plugin management, no configuration required. Supports custom analysis scope, can be used with the scopes settings, can also be used with svn to only analyze the current modification. Convenient and easy to use, recommended!
6. Some Hot Cold Knowledge
1. Scopes & TODO
Scopes function is to set a range, this function is very useful when developing new modules, can unify the code files involved in the new functionality into a new scopes. This makes it easy to use tools like Find-bugs for static code analysis.
The second is to combine with the todo function, which can quickly list the todos marked in the code to prevent omissions.
2. Subversion
AS provides a version control plugin that supports svn and git, needs configuration. When using the svn plugin, you need to enable command line settings during installation, which is not enabled by default. There are many online, so I won’t post specific steps here. Before submitting code using svn, it will first perform a code analysis similar to Find-bugs. If there are defects in the static analysis code, it will not be submitted and will prompt for modification. This is a great feature!
3. Spelling
Is a spell check feature that supports dictionary configuration, default is English. For those who often misspell words, this is a great feature
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