Arduino Beginner’s Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment


Arduino Learning Notes (1) Basics and Development Environment

Below is the guide for this article.

This article is suitable for people aged 10 to any upper limit.

Please bring your own bowl before eating — Arduino UNO R3

(Available on Taobao, cheap ones are about 23 RMB each)


1.About Arduino

2. About Arduino IDE (Development Environment)

3. About Arduino UNO R3 Development Board

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

1. About Arduino

Arduino is a convenient, flexible, and easy-to-use open-source electronic prototyping platform that includes hardware (various models of Arduino boards) and software (Arduino IDE). It is suitable for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in “interactivity”. Arduino can perceive the environment through various sensors and can respond to and affect the environment by controlling lights, motors, and other devices. The microcontroller on the board can be programmed using the Arduino programming language to create binary files, which are burned and compiled into the microcontroller. Programming for Arduino is accomplished using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Projects based on Arduino can consist solely of Arduino or can include Arduino and other software that runs on a PC, communicating with each other (such as Flash, Processing, MaxMSP). You can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made kit; all software used by Arduino can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) also follow the available open-source protocol, allowing you to modify them freely according to your own requirements. (The inventors only retained the rights to the name Arduino; everything else is open source, thanks to the great open-source movement.)

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

2. About Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE serves as the development environment for Arduino boards. Programs for Arduino boards need to be written in this development environment and must meet certain syntax rules, but they generally follow the syntax rules of C language.

Official download address:

Chinese community download address:

Download the corresponding development environment for your operating system and install it on your PC. (It’s all simple operations, just a few English word options, I believe that over the years, you have become proficient in installing and uninstalling major software!) After installation, an icon for the software will appear on the PC desktop.

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Open it to see the loading interface

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Enter the Arduino IDE editing interface (my version is 1.8.2)

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

At first glance, yes, it is the English version! (It seems there was a language option during installation? Or maybe not, I forgot 0.0). Actually, there are only a few English words. Of course, for friends who prefer Chinese, you can follow these steps:

Click File->preferences, and the following window will pop up:

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

I believe your keen eyes have already spotted the option: Editor language

Yes, this is the option to set the development environment language. Click the drop-down, select Simplified Chinese, then click OK at the bottom right, close the compilation software, and reopen it. The Chinese interface you wanted has arrived!

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Next, let’s explain the development environment interface:

We can see in the upper left corner, the main directory we use is File, Edit, Project, Tools, and Help, along with some clickable icons below.

(1) For the File menu, we mainly use the examples, page setup, and preferences. Examples are the official examples, which are good code examples that can help you better understand the program and develop a certain programming mindset, as well as increase your reading volume in coding. Page setup is an option to choose the page size. Preferences is an option to set the software, such as the language configuration just now.

(2) For the Edit menu, we mainly use it for code text operations, which is similar to many shortcuts in Windows.

(3) For the Project menu, we mainly use its verify/compile, upload, and load libraries. The first two will be mentioned later (that is, they are in the clickable icons below). Loading libraries allows you to manage libraries, adding and deleting relevant library files. You can search for the libraries you need in the library manager to add them for easier coding.

(4) For the Tools menu, we mainly use its serial monitor, board selection, and port selection. The serial monitor can be found in the clickable icons below, while board selection is mainly for Arduino, which has many series, so you need to select the corresponding series of boards when using it. The port is the port number for USB connection, which can be checked in the device manager; usually, when you connect, there is only one, and that is the port number you connected.

(5) The clickable icons below have the following functions:

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

3. About the Development Board

Arduino UNO is the latest version of the Arduino USB interface series, serving as the reference standard template for the Arduino platform. The core processor of UNO is ATmega328, with 14 digital input/output pins (6 of which can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16MHz crystal oscillator, a USB port, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. UNO has been released to its third version, with the following new features compared to the first two versions:

1. Two pins, SDA and SCL, were added at the AREF location to support the I2C interface; IOREF and a reserved pin were added, allowing future expansion boards to be compatible with 5V and 3.3V core boards.

2. Improved reset circuit design.

3. The USB interface chip was replaced by ATmega16U2 instead of ATmega8U2.

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Arduino UNO R3 Schematic

Arduino Beginner's Reference Guide (1): Basics and Development Environment

Finally, here are some related materials


Hardware Design Files (Eagle Files)

Related parameters of the board will be gradually introduced and explained in the following content.

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