Due to the numerous standards and protocols in the smart home field, developers often face the dilemma of which protocol to choose when starting a new product design cycle, and even need to delve into which protocol can be compatible with other network requirements. However, with the emergence of the Matter standard, these issues are beginning to converge. Now there is an interconnected standard in the world, supported by all major ecosystems such as Google, Amazon, and Apple; in other words, this will greatly benefit the interoperability of Matter devices. Click the Read the Original button at the end of the article to browse the complete technical blog post.
Guneet Bedi, Vice President of Arduino, stated that their mission is to make it easy for everyone to develop new technologies. Therefore, in January 2024, at the CES 2024 exhibition, Arduino and Silicon Labs jointly announced that they will release the first-ever Arduino software library supporting Matter over Thread. The Silicon Labs Arduino Core Library is already available on GitHub and is completely open source, providing this technology to over 36 million Arduino users worldwide.
For those eager to get started, SparkFun has collaborated with Silicon Labs to create the SparkFun Thing Plus Matter board based on the MGM240P wireless module. In May of this year, Arduino further announced the Arduino Nano Matter Community Preview board. The purpose of this board is to open up endless possibilities for the Arduino community and expand support for the development of Matter protocol through the MGM240S module that Silicon Labs has ready. It is worth mentioning that the MGM240S also supports debugging of low-power Bluetooth (Bluetooth LE).
Features of the Arduino Nano Matter
Based on Silicon Labs’ low-power MGM240S module
Supports Matter over Thread
Supports low-power Bluetooth
RGB LED and user button
ATSAMD11D14A debugger
USB-C connector
Development boards supported by Silicon Labs and Arduino for Matter
Arduino Nano Matter: https://get.silabs.com/arduino-nano-matter-board
Silicon Labs xG24 Explorer Kit: https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/efr32xg24-explorer-kit?tab=overview
Silicon Labs xG24 Dev Kit: https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/efr32xg24-dev-kit?tab=overview
SparkFun Thing Plus Matter: https://get.silabs.com/sparkfun-matter-board
Compatible low-power Bluetooth development boards
Silicon Labs BGM220 Explorer Kit: https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/bluetooth/bgm220-explorer-kit?tab=overview
Silicon Labs xG27 Dev Kit: https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/efr32xg27-development-kit?tab=overview
Why Choose the Arduino Nano Matter Development Board?
In smart homes, industrial IoT, and educational projects, there are countless use cases for the Arduino Nano Matter board. It will enable users in the Arduino community to quickly start developing Matter applications while leveraging the powerful architecture designed by Silicon Labs as the core of the circuit board.
There are many examples available in the Arduino IDE. For example, using Google Home to control the onboard LED or control an entire dimmable LED strip. The Arduino core includes all the function libraries needed to get started and run projects. You can access these tutorials through the links below:
Nano Matter User Manual and Arduino Documentation: https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/nano-matter/user-manual/
Quick Start – Use MG24 with Arduino Library to Develop Matter over: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pk4y1U7Hz/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
If you are ready to start a new smart home or industrial IoT project with Matter, the Arduino Nano Matter development board will be an excellent starting point. It will accelerate development through the industry-renowned Arduino IDE, allowing you to quickly and easily build project prototypes.
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