A Day Working with Raspberry Pi 4 Instead of MacBook Pro

A Day Working with Raspberry Pi 4 Instead of MacBook Pro

Source: Machine Heart This article is about 3125 words, recommended reading time is 7 minutes. This article introduces a blogger named Jeff Geerling who had a bold idea: on a workday, unplug his MacBook Pro and plug in the newly purchased 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 as his main work computer to see what it feels … Read more

A Day Working with an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 Instead of MacBook Pro

A Day Working with an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 Instead of MacBook Pro

Machine Heart Reports Participants: Zhang Qian, Egg Sauce, Xiao Zhou About two weeks ago, the Raspberry Pi 4 announced its latest upgrade: a new 8GB memory version, priced at $75. Is this new Raspberry Pi really worth it? To answer this question, a YouTuber named Jeff Geerling had a bold idea: on a workday, unplug … Read more
