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Gree Inverter Air Conditioning Indoor Unit Displays H5, Module Protection Fault Causes and Solutions
1. Fault Overview
The main chip immediately detects the module protection signal after power on; once the module protection signal is detected, it immediately stops operation; if the module protection recovers and the compressor has stopped for 3 minutes, the entire unit is allowed to resume operation.
The module protection is mainly to protect the IPM module, preventing damage from excessive temperature, low driving voltage, or excessive current. During a fault, the three fault indicator light models: yellow light flashes four times. Four fault indicator light models: D5 off, D6 flashing, D16 off, D30 on. (Different brands have different flashing times for indicator lights; refer to the fault light prompt panel for specifics)
2. Fault Causes
After the compressor starts, if abnormal conditions cause the IPM module to experience overcurrent, excessive temperature, or low control power supply voltage (the fundamental internal reason), the IPM will generate a module protection signal.
Note: The specific fault indicator light markings may differ slightly by model; all new protocol models have fault codes.
Tip: During module protection, first disconnect the compressor from power; if module protection still occurs, it indicates a fault in the external controller; if the compressor runs for a while before the fault occurs, it indicates high system load and excessive current.
3. Possible Fault Points
Module protection may be caused by internal and external factors; internal factors may include motherboard, compressor, or reversed compressor wiring, mismatched electrical box with compressor, manually disconnecting power without stopping for 3 minutes and immediately restarting, high and low pressure differences, low power supply voltage, sudden voltage changes under high load normal protection system anomalies, such as excessive refrigerant, pipeline blockage, dirty external machine controller faults, such as compressor phase current sampling circuit faults, IPM module faults (short circuits between P, N, U, V, W, etc.)
Compressor faults, such as open circuit, short circuit, or short circuit between lead wires and casing, presence of impurities, bumps, injuries, burrs, motor demagnetization, poor centering of upper and lower flanges, part wear, and electromagnetic interference on the external machine controller module drive signal.