Understanding Semaphores in FreeRTOS: A Comprehensive Guide

Semaphores are a commonly used synchronization mechanism in FreeRTOS, used to manage access control to resources among multiple tasks.

Semaphores are a mechanism for inter-task communication, allowing synchronization between tasks or mutual exclusion for critical resource access, often used to assist a group of competing tasks in accessing critical resources. In a multi-tasking system, tasks need to synchronize or mutually exclude to protect critical resources.

Semaphores can be divided into binary semaphores and counting semaphores:

  1. Binary Semaphore:

  • Has only two states: signal and no signal.

  • Commonly used for simple task synchronization and mutex locks.

  • Counting Semaphore:

    • Can have multiple signals, used to manage access to multiple identical resources.

    • Suitable for scenarios with limited resource quantities, such as a group of identical hardware peripherals.

  • Mutex Semaphore:

    • Also known as a mutex, used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one task can access the resource at a time.

    • Mutex semaphores have a priority inheritance mechanism to avoid priority inversion problems.

  • Recursive Semaphore:

    • Allows the same task to acquire the semaphore multiple times without causing deadlock.

    • Suitable for scenarios where recursive access to resources is needed.

    Creating and Using Semaphores

    • Creating a Semaphore:

      // Create a binary semaphore
      SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
      * Create a counting semaphore
      * Maximum value of counting semaphore
      * Initial value of counting semaphore
      SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(5,5);
    • Acquiring a Semaphore:

      if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphore, (TickType_t) 10) == pdTRUE) {
          // Successfully acquired the semaphore, perform related operations
      } else {
          // Failed to acquire the semaphore, handle timeout situation
      // Use xQueueReceiveFromISR() in interrupts instead
    • Releasing a Semaphore:

    • Deleting a Semaphore:


    Application Scenarios for Binary Semaphores

    Binary semaphores are typically used for synchronization between tasks and mutual exclusion for resource access. For example:

    • Task Synchronization: A task releases a semaphore after completing an operation to notify other tasks that they can continue executing.

    • Mutex Lock: Ensures that only one task can access a shared resource at the same time, avoiding resource conflicts.

    Application Scenarios for Counting Semaphores

    Counting semaphores are suitable for managing access to multiple identical resources. For example:

    • Resource Pool Management: For multiple identical types of hardware peripherals, counting semaphores can control the number of accesses to these devices.

    • Task Synchronization: Multiple tasks wait for the occurrence of the same event; when the event occurs, the counting semaphore can simultaneously release multiple tasks from their waiting state.


    The use of semaphores in FreeRTOS can effectively avoid resource conflicts between tasks, enabling effective collaboration and synchronization between tasks. Whether binary semaphores or counting semaphores, they provide flexible and powerful task synchronization and resource management mechanisms for real-time operating systems.

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