In a small group chat, the topic of the deconstruction and reconstruction of Crypto came up, and Gulu’s remarks were quite enlightening:
“Current Crypto is all about deconstruction; if anyone can take Crypto towards reconstruction, that person would be at the level of Confucius.We haven’t seen anyone yet; perhaps the time is not right, but I believe Crypto can be constructed, just that construction may need to be based on prior deconstruction.
Reconstruction refers to establishing order. Liberals (including myself) tend to overlook that we are all consumers of order, not builders. The cost of order is very high; for example, look at Afghanistan, where a trillion dollars over 20 years couldn’t make it happen. Of course, Afghanistan’s direction and foundational assumptions have issues. As for the standards of reconstruction, I don’t know, as my height isn’t enough.
Blockchain technology is very much like Gutenberg’s printing press; its emergence had a huge impact on the old order of its time. The early application of printing was to print the Bible at low cost, which undermined the existing order of the Catholic Church, and the policy at that time was to suppress it. History: Printing Press — Printing the Bible — Needing literacy to read the Bible — Learning to read — Martin Luther’s Reformation, leading to Protestantism — Protestantism being persecuted, the Mayflower to America — Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. From deconstruction to reconstruction, it underwent a long transformation. The printing press initially was a deconstructive technology, later becoming a constructive technology.
Currently, constructive actions in Crypto, such as Permissionless DeFi, are inherently deconstructive to the existing order. The current financial system is deeply embedded in a larger, state-based order, and DeFi seems incompatible with this existing system, which is why China has always hoped to develop Permission-based consortium chains. ”
Let me state a premise: I believe the popular grand historical perspectives today are not rigorous enough. Historical research over long periods or large spatial scales makes it hard to establish clear causal links; correlation is fine, but causation is difficult. However, we were just chatting casually in the group, and if it can provide some inspiration to everyone, that would be great.
In the past, for the purpose of understanding the evolution of crypto technology, we often used the development of the internet for analogy and study. If we extend the time scale and look at technologies that have influenced history for hundreds of years, such as the printing press, compass, gunpowder, and steam engine, we will see different things.
Every truly disruptive technology will deconstruct some past order, which can be on multiple levels: production, ideology, culture, politics, and military. At the same time, this technology will also participate in constructing a new order.
The complete impact of such technology on history often takes hundreds of years to be fully recognized. Crypto has only ten years of history, and even the internet has only about fifty years of history. We can feel the enormous impact of the internet over the past twenty years, but a hundred years from now, we may find that the internet’s influence goes far beyond that, combined with Crypto, AI, VR, and other unknown factors, leading to a new Reformation and Renaissance.
However, this makes the strict regulations in the country even more regrettable, equivalent to the “sailing ships not allowed to enter the sea” of the Age of Discovery. If this state of affairs unfortunately persists for a long time, its consequences will also take a long time to be fully recognized.
Recommended Readings
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Sharing of People’s Dao
20/ 这几点,从另外一个视角,解释了加密货币作为一个整体资产的非对称投资特性。这个大逻辑不变,即使在配置上出现标的和组合构造层面的错误,也会有非常不错的回报。
— Mindao (@mindaoyang) September 26, 2021
@Leon: Teacher Minda, a ten-year crypto veteran, shares sincerely.