Raspberry Pi 3 Successfully Runs Android 7.0 Nougat

Raspberry Pi 3 Successfully Runs Android 7.0 Nougat

The open-source Android 7.0 offers endless possibilities for enthusiasts. Previously, Peter Yoon successfully ported Android TV to the Raspberry Pi 3, and now he has managed to run Android 7.0 on it.

Raspberry Pi 3 Successfully Runs Android 7.0 Nougat

As this is only the first version of the port, we can see from the video that the operation is still not stable, with crashes occurring from time to time. Additionally, Android 7.0’s support for high-resolution screens on the Raspberry Pi 3 is not very good, making it appear like a simple enlarged version of a phone. However, the port developer has indicated that further improvements will be made in the future.

The Raspberry Pi 3 can now run the Win10 IoT Core version, which also has official updates from Microsoft. So why port Android 7.0? The developer stated that apart from personal interest, the support for split-screen and multi-tasking in Android 7.0 is very promising, offering Raspberry Pi 3 users a brand new interactive experience.

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