In the previous two articles: “Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Building an Arduino + NVIDIA Jetson ROS Car (Part 1)” we introduced the hardware needed for a Jetson Nano car; in “Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving Arduino + ROS Car Motors” we discussed how to use Arduino and its expansion board to achieve differential control and PID speed regulation of two DC geared motors.
Today, we will explain how to configure ros_arduino_bridge in Jetson Nano, how to configure and use the IMU, and how to use the CSI camera.
(Acrylic-TT motor version chassis)
(Complete acrylic-37 motor version)
This time, we mainly use our designed black acrylic version as an example to teach you how to configure the software part. Let me elaborate on the specific steps.
Real Machine Platform
Jetson Nano + Arduino Mega 2560 driven two-wheel differential car
(ps: with four turn signals, the program has been merged and updated)
Raspberry Pi Camera (V2 version)
Rotatable camera bracket (3D printed)
Test track
9-axis IMU
Debugging the ros_arduino_bridge program
This program runs on the Ubuntu + ROS Melodic system, which means that the system running on Jetson Nano needs to install the corresponding runtime environment. We will not describe how to flash the system and install ROS on Jetson Nano here, as Nvidia’s corresponding website has detailed tutorials. Here, we mainly record how to configure the ros_arduino_bridge ROS package.
ros_arduino_bridge file structure
(ps: win10 cmd command is tree /F)
The left side of the above diagram is interpreted as follows:
ros_arduino_bridge: stores the compilation files and dependency records of this functional package.txt and xmlros_arduino_firmware: this is an Arduino template framework provided by the author when open-sourcingros_arduino_msgs: stores custom message msg and service srv filesros_arduino_python: stores the Python ROS node program that interacts with Arduino through serial data
The above red numbers are interpreted as follows:
1 my_arduino_params.yaml
According to the introduction in the above image, modify each parameter in the configuration file to adapt to your vehicle, while (timeout, rate, sensorstate_rate, base_controller_rate) can remain unchanged.
2 arduino_driver.py
Open/Close the serial port:
def open(self): ''' Open the serial port. ''' self.port.open() def close(self): ''' Close the serial port. ''' self.port.close()
Serial port receive/send functions:
def send(self, cmd): ''' This command should not be used on its own: it is called by the execute commands below in a thread safe manner. ''' self.port.write(cmd + '\r')def recv(self, timeout=0.5): timeout = min(timeout, self.timeout) ''' This command should not be used on its own: it is called by the execute commands below in a thread safe manner. Note: we use read() instead of readline() since readline() tends to return garbage characters from the Arduino ''' c = '' value = '' attempts = 0 # Check if sending is complete while c != '\r': c = self.port.read(1) value += c attempts += 1 if attempts * self.interCharTimeout > timeout: return None value = value.strip('\r') return value
This file also contains many functions based on serial port operations. To simplify the initial learning and familiarization cost, we made slight modifications to the Arduino code, keeping only the main functions required for the ROS car. However, to facilitate further learning and customization, we retained the function operations in arduino_driver.py.
3 arduino_sensors.py
4 base_controller.py
Speed (cmd_vel) –> Target encoder values required by the motor:
# Callback function for cmd_vel topic# self.encoder_resolution encoder resolution# self.gear_reduction motor reduction ratio# self.wheel_diameter wheel diameter# ticks_per_meter = self.encoder_resolution * self.gear_reduction / (self.wheel_diameter * pi)( pulses / meter )def cmdVelCallback(self, req): self.last_cmd_vel = rospy.Time.now() x = req.linear.x # m/s th = req.angular.z # rad/s if x == 0: # Rotate in place right = th * self.wheel_track / 2.0 left = -right elif th == 0: # Move forward/backward left = right = x else: # Move with a certain linear and angular speed left = x - th * self.wheel_track / 2.0 # self.wheel_track wheel track right = x + th * self.wheel_track / 2.0 # self.arduino.PID_RATE PID execution frequency self.v_des_left = int(left * self.ticks_per_meter / self.arduino.PID_RATE) self.v_des_right = int(right * self.ticks_per_meter / self.arduino.PID_RATE)
The actual encoder values of the motor –> Trajectory information (wheel_odom):
def poll(self): now = rospy.Time.now() if now > self.t_next: try: left_enc, right_enc = self.arduino.get_encoder_counts() except: self.bad_encoder_count += 1 rospy.logerr("Encoder exception count: " + str(self.bad_encoder_count)) return dt = now - self.then self.then = now dt = dt.to_sec() # Convert time unit to seconds. # According to the number of pulses received within the adjacent sampling time, calculate how much each tire has advanced in meters. if self.enc_left == None: dright = 0 dleft = 0 else: dright = (right_enc - self.enc_right) / self.ticks_per_meter dleft = (left_enc - self.enc_left) / self.ticks_per_meter self.enc_right = right_enc self.enc_left = left_enc # Solve the combined displacement through the difference in travel of each wheel of the differential car, and then calculate the combined speed. dxy_ave = (dright + dleft) / 2.0 dth = (dright - dleft) / self.wheel_track vxy = dxy_ave / dt vth = dth / dt # Calculate the travel of the car in the world coordinate system based on the combined displacement and speed. if (dxy_ave != 0): dx = cos(dth) * dxy_ave #+ dy = sin(dth) * dxy_ave #- self.x += (cos(self.th) * dx - sin(self.th) * dy) self.y += (sin(self.th) * dx + cos(self.th) * dy) if (dth != 0): self.th += dth # Solve the pose data of the odom topic quaternion = Quaternion() quaternion.x = 0.0 quaternion.y = 0.0 quaternion.z = sin(self.th / 2.0) quaternion.w = cos(self.th / 2.0) # Assign and prepare to publish odometry topic data. odom = Odometry() odom.header.frame_id = "wheel_odom" odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame odom.header.stamp = now odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0 odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion odom.twist.twist.linear.x = vxy odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0 odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth # Set covariance data to distinguish when fusing with IMU. if vxy == 0 and vth == 0 : odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE2 odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE2 else : odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE self.odomPub.publish(odom)
The above code has been uploaded to our open-source repository, welcome to download and experience:
Debugging the IMU program
Purpose of using IMU
The IMU module we selected is a 9-axis with temperature compensation, which, compared to 6-axis, has a magnetometer. This sensor can effectively correct the zero drift of the Z-axis rotation direction, making the fused odometry data better. By looking at the definition of IMU data in ROS, we have:
Header header
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientationfloat64[9] orientation_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes
geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular_velocityfloat64[9] angular_velocity_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes
geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear_accelerationfloat64[9] linear_acceleration_covariance # Row major x, y, z
Configuring the IMU
Combining the above definitions and the current practical usage needs, we wrote a ROS package that converts the data output from the IMU module into ROS IMU topic data after reading the IMU communication protocol. Before running this package, it is necessary to configure the IMU module using the manufacturer’s provided Windows 10 host software. The specific configuration steps are as follows:
Refer to the user manual in the “imu_901/resource_folder” folder and use the Windows 10 host software: “MiniIMU.exe” to configure the module as follows:
1. Change the baud rate to: 115200
2. Modify the output items in the configuration to: acceleration, angular velocity, angle, magnetic field, quaternion.
3. Change the output frequency in the configuration to: 200Hz
4. Following the video tutorial on the official website, use the “MiniIMU.exe” software to calibrate the module (acceleration, angle, magnetic field). The tutorial video is as follows:
Using the IMU under ROS
The program has been placed in our repository, download it from the following link:
Place the catkin_ws folder in your Home directory
cd catkin_wsrosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -ycatkin_make -jsource devel/setup.bash
Use a USB-Type C data cable to connect the computer and IMU, check the virtual port number assigned in the /dev directory (generally: ttyUSB*). If only one device is plugged in, it must be: ttyUSB0. As shown in the screenshot in the lower right corner of my computer:
The imu_901.launch file runs the imu_complementary_filter_node, tf, imu_901_node, and other nodes. Two tf describe the positional relationship between the IMU topic data and the coordinate system base_link (three-axis translation + three-axis rotation). A friendly reminder: here the origin of the base_link coordinate system is specified to be in the middle of the driving wheels of the two-wheel differential car, with X facing forward, Y facing left, and Z facing up. Additionally, since the car generally carries a screen, we have commented out the Rviz visualization node by default. The running process is as follows:
Additionally, by using: rostopic list you can find the IMU_901 published topic data:
Among them:
imu is pose information:
mag is magnetometer information;
Both are published at a frequency of 200Hz.
The above code has been uploaded to our open-source repository, welcome to download and experience:
Debugging the Raspberry Pi CSI Camera V2 version
Since the Jetson Nano cannot directly obtain the video stream from the CSI camera via the usb_cam ROS package, after searching online, we found that a great developer has open-sourced a program called gscam ROS package, the link is as follows:
We have adapted the ROS startup file for the camera; simply plug in the Raspberry Pi V2 camera with the CSI connector, and by running the corresponding launch file, you can obtain the video stream from that camera. The specific process is as follows:
cd catkin_ws# If not compiled, then catkin_makesource devel/setup.bashroslaunch jetson_nano_csi_cam_ros jetson_csi_cam.launch
(ps: here I ssh into the Jetson Nano host, friends without a screen can try this)
At this point, in the local terminal, you can see the following output by using rostopic list:
Additionally, you can view the image using rqt_image_view.
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
(It’s snowing heavily at home, it’s very quiet in the mountains)
Outlook and Easter Eggs
https://github.com/COONEO/Arduino_Raspberry_ROS_Car.git # Temporarily finishedhttps://github.com/COONEO/Arduino_Jetson_nano_ROS_Car.git # Being continuously updated
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Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Building an Arduino + Raspberry Pi ROS Car (Part 1)
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