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3. Selecting a NAS for Home File Storage
Once you have set up your home network, you can surf the internet to your heart’s content. If you enjoy watching movies and frequently download high-definition films, your computer’s hard drive space will quickly run out. At this point, you will need to purchase a NAS.
A NAS (Network Attached Storage) is simply a network storage device.
So, what applications does a NAS have in home life?
First is storage and backup. A NAS has multiple drive bays and can store massive amounts of data; the movies you download, the photos you take, etc., can all be stored on the NAS. Most consumer NAS devices on the market now come with automatic backup features, and some manufacturers have even developed automatic backup PC clients.
Secondly, it allows for resource sharing and collaborative work. Nowadays, there are many ways to share resources, such as external hard drives, cloud storage, and USB drives, but none are as convenient as a NAS. Family members within the local area network can simultaneously access various resources on the NAS, allowing them to watch movies, listen to music, and view photos at the same time.
Additionally, you can remotely control your NAS to automatically download movies, so when you get off work, the high-definition films are already downloaded, and you can watch them directly through your phone or TV.
Most functions that a small server can achieve, a NAS can also accomplish, such as setting up a private VPN, creating a private cloud, remote monitoring, web server, printer server, and so on.
4. Accessing External Networks Wisely
In work and life, we often need to access external websites like Google, which may not be accessible within the country. So, are there any solutions?
Of course! Here are a few methods I recommend.
Modifying the hosts file
When a computer accesses a website (like, it resolves the domain name to the corresponding IP address (like However, under the influence of the GFW (Great Firewall), the domain name may be resolved to an incorrect IP address, resulting in the website being inaccessible. By placing the domain name and corresponding IP address directly in the hosts file, you can skip the resolution step and directly access the corresponding IP address.
However, if that IP address is blocked by the GFW, the website will still be inaccessible, so you need to continually update to the latest IP address.
Purchasing a VPN
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) establishes a secure, stable tunnel over a public network. It mainly uses tunneling technology, encryption and decryption technology, key management technology, and user and device identity authentication technology.
The internet is like a highway of information, where some vehicles may be stopped by checkpoints (GFW), while a VPN acts like an underground tunnel, allowing vehicles to bypass GFW inspections and reach their destination smoothly.
VPNs can be used on both computers and smartphones. Currently, free VPNs available online have usage limitations, so it is recommended to purchase a paid version.
Additionally, some proxy servers or proxy software, as well as some browser plugins, can also be used to access external websites wisely.
If you have better methods, feel free to share with us.