I purchased the Arduino UNO R3 development board for 23 yuan. Because it is relatively expensive, its board and chip are consistent with the official version priced at 88 yuan. The USB to serial converter uses either the ATmega16U2 or ATmega8U2.
■ Operating Voltage: 5V
■ Input Voltage: No external power supply is required when connected via USB or external 7V~12V DC input
■ Microprocessor: ATmega328P, with a write/erase cycle of 10,000 times, priced at about 7 yuan
■ Clock Frequency: 16 MHz
■ 14 Digital IO Pins, maximum current is 40mA, be careful not to exceed this current during experiments
■ 6 Analog Inputs A0 to A5: 10-bit resolution, default input signal range is 0 to 5V
■ AREF: Reference voltage for analog input signals
■ Flash Memory: 32 KB (with 0.5 KB used for the bootloader in ATmega328P)
■ LED: Reserved interface for testing LED (pin 13), lights up when output is high
■ Official Website: http://www.arduino.cc
If you feel that this development board is too expensive, you can also buy a cheaper compatible board, priced between 13-19 yuan, which works the same way. The only difference is the USB to serial converter chip; the cheaper boards use the CH340G, which may require a separate driver installation. Download link:
Getting Started with Arduino UNO R3
Download the integrated development environment ARDUINO 1.6.12 from the official website
Double-click arduino-1.6.12-windows.exe, follow the installation prompts, and confirm to proceed with the default installation. After installation, the Arduino software logo will appear on the desktop for the next use.
Configure Development Environment
Insert the Arduino UNO R3 development board, and the system will automatically install the USB driver.
Select the corresponding board
Select port
You can check the corresponding port of the device through the device manager; this machine corresponds to COM5.
Open the file, examples, and find the Blink program
Click the checkmark to verify whether the program can compile successfully. If everything is normal, click the right arrow to upload the compiled program to the AVR microcontroller of the Arduino UNO R3; you can also directly click the arrow, and the IDE will first perform verification and upload directly after passing.
If you see the LED blinking, everything is normal.Congratulations, you have finally officially started your university journey. Next, you can purchase development boards, DuPont wires, and various components for various interesting experiments. The colorful shaking stick uses ws2812 LEDs, which you can search for on Taobao.
Arduino Syntax Manual
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications official Wikipedia (under construction)
With the arrival of the global analog electronics season, the revival of circuit design is quietly changing the decorations in the subway. I heard that in the future, advertisements will also be replaced with transistors and field-effect transistors, just thinking about it is exciting!
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