DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner’s Guide

This project is sponsored by“Spark Program Phase II”!!

Project Name: ESP32S3 Full-Band Radio for Beginners

Project Author: chimchim4482


This is a beginner-friendly radio replica!

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

Project Description

I made a full-band radio.

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's GuideThe main control MCU uses ESP32S3-N16R8, the control module uses SI4735, and the audio output uses TC8002D.

This project mainly constructs a full-band radio (including AM, FM, SSB) based on the core chip SI4735.

Function Description
01Volume Adjustment
Press the volume control button briefly, rotate the encoder to adjust the volume.

Press the manual tuning button briefly, rotate the encoder to manually adjust the received radio signal frequency in 0.1MHz increments.

02Manual Tuning
Press the quick select band button briefly, rotate the encoder to quickly locate the receiving band to 20M, 40M, 80M, etc., and press down on the encoder to confirm the current selection.
03Quick Lock Target Band
Press the modulation mode selection button briefly, rotate the encoder to select the received AM, FM, USB, LSB radio signals, and press down on the encoder to confirm the current selection.
04Modulation Mode Selection
Power management, clock display, automatic time synchronization, temperature and humidity detection;

Press and hold the lower left button on the main interface to display the extended interface.

05Extended Module
The frequency range for AM and SSB modes is 30MHz to 150kHz.

The FM mode is 64MHz to 108MHz.

Design Diagram

This project consists of two PCBs, namely the main control board and the expansion board.

The main control board includes all basic functions such as full-band radio signal reception, processing, playback, and control of functional keys.

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

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The expansion board must be used with the main board. After connecting to the main board, it can realize time display, automatic time synchronization, temperature and humidity display, battery access, and power supply.
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

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Connection Diagram:

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

Shell Design

The shell consists of four parts: front panel, front shell, back shell, and back panel.

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

Front Panel: PET material, adhesive backing for easy attachment.

Back Panel: Fully transparent acrylic board.

Front and Back Shell: Resin material 3D printed, front shell spray painted, Pantone color code 1795C.

The shell can be customized at Jialichuang’s panel + 3D Monkey.

Software Description

The software design is based on the Arduino IDE framework, and the core program logic is as follows:

Initialize devices and functions, including I2C/display/SI4735/buttons/encoder/amplifier.
02Main Loop
Includes reading the encoder and buttons; reading SI4735 status; setting SI4735 (frequency, volume, etc.); drawing and displaying the interface.
Project Attributes

This project is being made public for the first time and is my original project. The project has not won any awards in other competitions.

Open Source License:CERN Open Hardware License

Attachment Download
Friends who need 3D shell, software, circuit source files and other attachments can click on the end of the article to“Read the Original” to view the original project.
DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
If you have any other questions, you can also leave a message to the author at the bottom of the original project.
Video Demonstration
What is the Spark Program?

The Spark Program is an activity hosted by the “Lichuang Open Source Hardware Platform” to promote hardware open source.

The Spark Program activities are divided into Free Track and Outsourcing Track.

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

Among them, the Free Track has no restrictions on themes, as long as you successfully register, we will provide the materials for your project! You can receive up to 10,000 yuan in material funding.

Successfully completing the project also gives you a chance to share 200,000 yuan in bonus at the end of the year!

The Outsourcing Track has fixed themes, with each theme only connecting to one person, and successful completion will guarantee a reward!

Similarly! After receiving the bonus upon completion, there is also a chance to share 100,000 yuan in bonus at the end of the year! It’s really appealing!!

The themes of the outsourcing track include: water quality monitoring boat, simple multimeter, projector, wireless omnidirectional microphone… it’s really not difficult! There is bound to be a theme that you excel at!

If you happen to have two skills… then quickly scan the QR code in the image above to register!

DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide

PS: Remember to carefully check the event rules before registering! The rules are simple, and you must follow them.

*This article is a reprint of user creation from the “Lichuang Open Source Hardware Platform”. If there is any infringement, please contact for deletion.

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DIY Full-Band Radio with ESP32: A Beginner's Guide
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