Build a Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino and Sensors

Using the Arduino development board, RTC, pressure, and temperature sensors, you can easily implement a simple project like a real-time weather station. In daily life, we use thermometers to measure temperature, but we often lack devices to measure atmospheric pressure, relying instead on news for current local pressure. Therefore, in this article, we will develop a device that can measure both temperature and pressure simultaneously, with results easily displayed in real-time on an LCD.

Thus, we can develop our own hardware with very few electronic components, costing around $10.

Required Components:

● Arduino Uno development board

BMP180 pressure and temperature sensor

● RTC DS1307 clock module

● LCD display

DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor

● PIR sensor

● LDR light-dependent resistor

● Breadboard

Connection Circuit Diagram:

The circuit connection diagram for the real-time weather station is shown below. We can assemble it on a breadboard or create our own circuit board.

Build a Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino and Sensors

Similarly, if you encounter any issues while assembling the circuit, you can refer to the breadboard assembly circuit below; just look at the circuit diagram here to assemble it easily. You can choose any Arduino development board to create the real-time weather station.

Build a Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino and Sensors

Component Description

Build a Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino and Sensors

1. BMP180 Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature Sensor

It is a low-cost sensor used to measure atmospheric pressure and temperature. When pressure changes with altitude, you can also use it as an altimeter to measure elevation. The circuit board includes a 3.3V regulator and I2C level conversion circuit, allowing safe use of this sensor at 5V logic levels.

2. DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DHT22 is the most basic digital temperature and humidity sensor, which uses a capacitive humidity sensor and thermistor to measure the surrounding air humidity. The data is very accurate and updates every 2 seconds.

Just connect the first pin to power, the second pin to the data input pin, and ideally connect the last pin to ground.

3. DS1307 Real-Time Clock Module

The DS1307 real-time clock (RTC) is a low-power simple circuit. It has a complete binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock and 56 bytes of SRAM. The clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, and year information. For months with less than 31 days, it automatically adjusts the end-of-month date, including leap year corrections. The clock runs in either 24-hour or 12-hour format with an AM/PM indicator. When its circuit detects a power failure, it automatically switches to a backup power source.

Operation Process of the Real-Time Weather Station

Here, three buttons are used to adjust the time, as the RTC has a monthly error of one minute. The display, RTC, and BMP180 communicate with the Arduino development board via the I2C interface. When the main power is disconnected, the RTC is powered by a backup battery, which continues to keep time.

The I2C display allows you to adjust the contrast, and adjusting the jumper position can turn off the backlight LED. However, if we set the jumper to the appropriate position, the resistance of the light-dependent resistor decreases with increasing light, increasing display brightness; conversely, in low-light conditions, the resistance is very high, reducing brightness. The DHT22 sensor provides the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Build a Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino and Sensors

Source Code for the Real-Time Weather Station Using Arduino:

The programming of the real-time weather station is done using the Arduino language. Therefore, four different header files are used. You need to upload the zip file to the Arduino library, as these libraries are not available by default. Download the libraries from Adafruit.

● DHT22 library

● BMP180 library

You can download the Arduino source code from the link below. The zip file also includes the necessary charts for this project: real-time weather station.


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