Mixly is a graphical programming software developed by the Beishida Misiqi team, which has been loved by the domestic maker community since its release. Mixly programming software uses graphical programming, so you don’t need to remember code; you just need to drag and drop and set it up simply to quickly complete creative electronic programming. This column of courses is taught by Qiu Jiongtao teacher, from basic entry to gradual improvement, Teacher Qiu will use in-depth examples to help you master Mixly programming. This column will be updated irregularly with methods, techniques, latest features, course cases, and other video tutorials related to Mixly.
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Below is the introduction of the new 3 course learning notes and content preview.
# LCD1602 Advanced Applications
The preview video is as follows (for the complete video, please move to NetEase Cloud Classroom):
# Mini MP3 Music Module
Mixly supports several modules for playing music, such as DF Mini MP3 module, GD5800 MP3 module, YX5300 MP3 module, etc. This lesson will introduce the use of the MP3 module. The content summary of this course is as follows:
Introduction and function description of the Mini MP3 module;
Usage of YX5300 MP3 module and compatibility with Mini MP3 module;
Wiring and function introduction of YX5300 MP3 module;
Programming methods of YX5300 MP3 module in Mixly;
The preview video is as follows (for the complete video, please move to NetEase Cloud Classroom):
# Author Introduction

# Column Link

Free Course Directory:
Installation and Upgrade of Mixly Software
Development Boards and Languages Supported by Mixly
Lighting the First LED
Button Light Technique 1
Button Light Technique 2: Interrupt Control Method
Button Light Technique 3: Multi-function Button
Simple Usage of Timer MsTimer2: Single Timing Task
Advanced Usage of Timer MsTimer2: Multiple Timing Tasks
Usage of Simple Timer SimpleTimer
N Tips You May Not Know About Mixly Software Operations
System Running Time
Scoop Multithreading
Mathematical Operations You May Not Have Used in Mixly (Part 1)
Mathematical Operations You May Not Have Used in Mixly (Part 2)
Analog Output
Analog Input
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Understanding the Buzzer
Making the Buzzer Sing: Application of Arrays
Understanding RGB Colorful Lights
Playing with RGB Colorful Lights
Playing with RGB Color Light Strips, Light Bands, and Light Rings
Mixly Infrared Remote Control Programming
Infrared Remote Control Piano
Common Mistakes and Solutions
Paid Course Preview:
Paid Instructions
Creative Sources and Reference Websites, Introduction to LCD1602 Display, Simple Applications of LCD1602 Display
Introduction to OLED Screens, Basic Applications of OLED Screens, Multi-screen Switching of OLED
Drawing Functions with OLED Screens, Chinese Character Display on OLED Screens, Basic Applications of 8×8 Dot Matrix Screens
Basic of MAX7219 Dot Matrix Screen, Cascading of MAX7219 Dot Matrix Screen, TM1637 Digital Tube
Simple Serial Interaction Applications, Serial Interaction Between Boards, Serial Communication and ASCII Code
Understanding Variables, Arrays, Functions
Motors, Servos, LM35 Temperature Sensors
Mixly Initialization Module, Understanding EEPROM Storage, Ultrasonic Sensors
Clock Module, Matrix Keyboard, Mixly Third-party Libraries
Differences Between if-else and switch, Custom Modules, SD Card Module
# Recommended Mixly Materials
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