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ATtiny85 is a small, low-power 8-bit microcontroller produced by Atmel. Due to its compact size and powerful features, it is widely used in embedded systems and small DIY electronics projects. The ATtiny85 has the following main features and functionalities:
Processor Architecture:
8-bit AVR RISC architecture, supporting clock frequencies of up to 20 MHz.
8 KB of Flash memory for storing program code.
512 bytes of SRAM for data storage.
64 bytes of EEPROM for non-volatile data storage.
Input/Output Pins:
6 general-purpose I/O pins (GPIO), 3 of which can be used as PWM outputs.
Supports various functionalities such as analog input (ADC), external interrupts, etc.
Analog Functionality:
Built-in 10-bit ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) for reading analog signals.
2 8-bit timer/counters, supporting various modes including PWM and timing functions.
Low Power Features:
Supports multiple low-power modes, suitable for battery-powered applications.
Programming Interface:
Supports ISP (In-System Programming) and UPDI (Unified Program and Debug Interface) programming.
Implementing the Simplest ATtiny Project
Download the latest version of Arduino IDE from the official website and install it. By installing the ATtiny core library, you can write and upload code in Arduino IDE.
Adding ATtiny85 Support to Arduino IDE
By default, Arduino IDE does not support ATtiny85, so you need to add the ATtiny board in Arduino IDE. Open File->Preferences, and enter in the Additional boards manager URLs. Use the board manager to install.
Configuring Arduino Nano as ISP
First, set the Arduino Nano to ISP mode. Connect the Arduino Nano to the USB port of the computer, launch the Arduino IDE, select the appropriate board (Tools->Board) and port (Tools->Port), open the ArduinoISP example file (File->Examples->ArduinoISP->ArduinoISP) and upload it (Upload).
Circuit Connection:
ATtiny 85 | Arduino Nano |
Pin_8 VCC | 5V |
Pin_4 GND | GND |
Pin_1 RESET | D10 |
Pin_5 MOSI | D11 |
Pin_6 MISO | D12 |
Pin_7 SCL | D13 |
Programming ATtiny85 with Arduino IDE
const int ledPin = 3;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
LED Blinking Effect